Artist Statement
The faces and bodies in my work allow me to delve into different aspects of myself. I explore my own psychology, and what I am thinking/feeling is made manifest in the images I create. Rather than laboring and analyzing, I summon immediate responses – going with my instincts is key. I trust both my hand and heart in translating my subconscious into the imagery in my work.
Drawing with altered Q-tips, rubber tools, brushes, and rags into ink rolled onto Plexiglas has helped to get me in touch with the process of making images, and I trust that years of exposure to and making of art will lead to a few successful prints on any given day.
The current work has been completed in community-oriented printmaking studios in Berkeley and San Francisco. I have enjoyed the sense of community that the studios offer, as I can see the work of others and have conversations about the creative process. While the act of creating prints is primarily a solo activity, it’s been great to be in the company of others as well.